
KBRITE Radio is proud to work with local businesses.  Every company you see here is not only a sponsor, but a partner in the mission of our great station.  We trust you will be served by qualified professionals who can address the needs you have with integrity. 

Listen below to Roger Marsh’s Client Chats to learn more about our Partners.

Stefanie Cover is a Christian first, and an attorney second. If you’ve been in an accident, you must be made whole: financially, medically, or in your livelihood. Stefanie understands that. She’ll fight for your wholeness! She espouses Christian values, and her clients speak for her, so head to Cover Law today and get started with Stefanie!
PreBorn! is a dedicated non-profit, pro-life organization that supports life-affirming Pregnancy Clinics in their mission to reach women considering abortion, particularly in areas with high abortion rates. PreBorn provides free ultrasounds for mothers considering abortion, allowing them to see their unborn baby.
Dennis Wilson has a CD alternative that will work for your retirement plan! Banks started out the year well at 6%, but they’re already back down to 3%. Dennis Wilsons CD alternative guarantees 7%, and that means if you invest $100k with Dennis, you’ll gain $21k in interest! Get started now, by heading to Wilson Financial Services.